旅居加拿大。每天都在忙于完善和成长,让自己时刻充满快乐和愉悦!营销者,设计者,管理者,画者,开拓者..... QQ:349517219 微信:aimei349517219 电话:13906393613
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- ·大多数人在这个行业里成功了吗?处境怎么样?劳累、艰辛、有压力、无保障,原因是什么?因为往往公司不稳定,或管理不到位,所以中间要频繁更换,事实真相是这些 大多数人在这个行业里成功了吗?处境怎么样? 劳累、艰辛、有压力、无保障,原因是什么?因为往往公司不稳定,或管理不到位,所以中间要频繁更换,事实真相是这些人大多数都没有从错误中学到教训,他们只是不断从一个错误的公司跳到另一个错误的公司。所以每做一家公司都要从头起步一次,多数人几年来都始终处于起步阶段,起步阶段是付出最多,但回报却是最少的,从直销进入中国内地发展到现在的局面,从另一个角度可以说大多数国人的选择是错误的,假设当初每个人在选择的时候都能理智的考虑,那么大家所一直梦想的已经是今天所拥有的,因为选择比努力更重要! 出现这种情况,主要在于我们选择公司的时候,首先是缺少一个硬指标:公司已经成功,它必须是一个事实上在直销业已经成功的公司。每一家新公司的老板在开发市场的初期都给我们打保票说:“我们三年追上某某公司,五年达到某某规模,守法经营、永续经营”,这些公司和事实上已经成功的原国际化大公司相距万里。这样的公司实际上是一颗幼苗,我们每次都把它当成一颗参天大树。所以我们每次参与之后,都发现自己判断有误。选择的时候如果发生判断的错误,一开始就注定了将来会半途而废。 如果我们选择参天大树,也有一个问题。全球前十名最大的直销公司中,多数公司制度上难度很大,主要是小组业绩要求很高,很多人完不成小组业绩,赚不到网络奖金,他们做到一定阶段就会重新选择。你的团队也许能够发展到1000人2000人,但1-2年后剩下的也许不到100人(残部),这时如果你想换另外一家公司,这些人还会指责你:你把我们带进来,你让我们在这里坚持,你怎么走人了?95%做不下去的(在已经成功的国际化大公司里),是因为完不成小组业绩,拿不到自己想拿的奖金。制度上难度很大的公司,人们是因为误解而加入,因为了解而放弃。 在全球最大品牌的十家公司中,只有少数几家公司没有小组业绩,仅有微不足道的个人业绩要求。大部分人都能完成这样的业绩,可以轻松地赚到钱,没有任何过分的压力,产品品质又超常优异;选择这样的公司相对来说成功率要高于其它公司。 跟这个行业里已经成功的公司合作会给你带来什么呢?会给你带来循环性的收入。 这个行业真正的魅力是循环性收入。在一到二年的时间里你坚定地努力,当取得成果的时候,这个成果将影响你的一生,也就是说你一生的财富目标,可以在一件事情上跨越性地实现。你的收入不仅高于一般行业,而且当你停下来不做的时候,你的收入不会中断,甚至更高。 有的人重视在这个行业里赚钱,但对循环性收入不够重视。其实只有循环性的收入才能使你梦想成真,有的公司短期能赚些钱,但令你错过了循环性收入的商机,这种公司使你梦想成空。有的人认为哪家直销公司都是循环性收入,其实大多数不是。 什么样的公司是能够带来循环性的收入呢?只有公司的稳定性没有一丝一毫的问题的成熟公司。必须具备四个要素:1、度过5年以上的风险期。2、世界顶级品牌,最好业绩在前十名以内。3、成长速度快。4、奖励计划基本不变。5、市场还未开发。若要选择一个能带来循环性收入的公司,就不要再被市场上眼花缭乱的公司所吸引,有的公司制度极为诱人,但那种公司由于刚开业,处于求生存阶段;会片面迎合直销商的投机心理,制度和管理方面都有后患,直销业为何有大量的人跳来跳去成为“直销难民”,就是由于不断地被这样的公司干扰了视线,总想挑选最省事、赚钱最快的公司。事实上,很多领导人的意志力已经被这些蒙蔽双眼赚钱快的空泛承诺所摧毁,通常这些承诺所持续的时间长度都不足以让他们从发财梦中觉醒。 在判断循环性商机的四个要素中,为何必须要求有5年以上的时间,又为何必须是世界最大品牌呢? 先谈第一个问题,在直销业中,公司的成功率非常低,表面上看每一家公司似乎前景都特别好;而最终能够成功的公司却廖廖无几。 2001年世界直销联盟有一个统计,在2001年之前全世界共诞生过3万多家直销公司,但超过十年以上历史的公司却只有29家。也就是说,大多数直销企业都走不到5年。5年,是直销企业的风险期、考验期,5年之内该发生的问题都会发生。在这5年期间,每年公司的营业状况都有急转直下的可能性。 再谈关于第2个问题:循环性收入公司为何必须是世界十大品牌公司呢? 据世界直销联盟预计,未来的局面是:世界上最大品牌的公司,占有直销业市场份额的40%~50%,而另外50%~60%的市场份额将由近20000家以上的公司来竞争,每家中小公司每年占有的市场份额都在发生变化。所以一般的公司难以稳定持久就显而易见了。由于直销公司的成功率较低,所以如果你不选择最大品牌的公司,那么你至少要经营十家以上的直销公司,也就是说你需要领导十个不同的团队,或许仅有个别公司做得长一些,那就只能做完一家再做另一家,频繁更换,无数次辛苦劳累,或许仅有一家公司能为你带来略为长久的回报。今后,越来越多的人将明白:循环性的收入才是我们从事这一行业的真正目的。因为你只要辛苦一次就足以让你彻底成功。 中国直销业开放的时刻,将在中国出现白热化的竞争,所以很多现有的小公司将会瞬间消失。今后1-2年内是不断洗牌之后大放异彩的品牌公司。 这是一个靠品牌生存的世界,每一个世界级的大品牌如:可口可乐、麦当劳、奔驰、宝马、索尼、三星,占领任何一个市场都不成问题。每一个世界品牌都有惊人的含金量,是一个天文数字,当我们和世界品牌携手同行的时候,那个品牌的含金量会给你带来市场,带来金钱,但每一个行业里,真正的世界最大品牌公司不会超过十个。 在这个行业里,无论怎样精明的人,都非常容易选错公司,因为选择的关键时刻常常忘记和忽略那几个关键的因素。所以,你常会看到,有些很聪明很有能力的人,经济状况也没有改善。如果在2001年到2012年间你的选择有误,并不要紧,因为你仍然有机会重新选择,而2013年你若再次选错,很可能会错过最重要的时机。你一生中错过多少次机会?这可能就是你最后一次机会!请务必把握! 我们知道任何一家国际化大品牌的公司,在进入任何一个国家的市场,往往开业之际就有人成功,开业之时就是举行表彰大会之日,那是因为很多人善于把握最佳时机,提前运作。往往一个好公司开业之初就会有数万人一起加入,如果这几万人当中有你的下属1000人或几百人,你就会直接成为成功者,从而大大缩短了人生奋斗的历程,这需要你尽可能地提前介入,提前做准备,尽可能在运作条件不太成熟的阶段勇敢地抓住时机;别等万事俱备,时机的特征就是稍纵即逝。 如果你的能力不是特别强,那么你选择的时候应该极其严格、认真,因为你经不起太多的失败。不善于选择的人,将彻底错过这一行里循环性收入的机会。有些人放弃机会,是因为害怕难度,觉得这件事可能有点难,不敢面对小小的挑战,所以成功者总能看到困难后面的机会,而失败者他总是看到机会前面的困难;不同的思维就决定了不同的人生;这些人今后的人生将会更加艰难………… 最幸福的人和最苦命的人都在这个行业里,其差异就在于选择时的眼光,这个行业到底有没有保障 关键也就在于你选择什么样的公司。 你不可以错过大品牌的直销公司,也不可以误入大品牌直销公司中制度上难度太大的公司。如果这两个方面你有失误,在这一行业里,你将无法掌握自己的命运,会进入这个行业里的怪圈:不断地重新选择,不断地跳槽,不断地从头开始………… 中国直销立法和直销市场的开放,意味着国人加入直销行业的数量将会暴增;选择这篇文章,是为了让更多的人理智,为了避免更多的惨剧;毕竟,选择比努力更重要。
- ·会感恩的您
- ·重要的领路人
- 感动加拿大----新一加元硬币上的"Terry Fox"(转载)(9月12日)
周日将有Terry Fox Run,我们决定去参加这个活动!
[@more@]当19岁的Terry Fox被发现身患骨癌时,他失去在运动场上驰纵的机会,他失去了右腿下半部分。他出院了,但是为自己伤心的同时他也为当时(70年代)少得可怜的癌症研究 基金而愤怒。于是他悄悄地开始了运动训练,开始马拉松长跑训练,带着假肢,这是他的秘密。
4800公里 后,他正式向家人宣布了他的秘密目标:我要募捐24百万,这意味他要向当时的每个加拿大人募捐1元钱,来支助当时的癌症研究。1980年4月12日 ,Terry Fox开始了他的马拉松希望之旅,无论天气如何,他坚持每天跑42公里。
143天后当他完成 5,373 公里长跑后,他被再次送进了医院。一个惊人的好消息是,在被送入医院的一个月后,他总共接到$24.17 百万的募捐。
1981年6月28日 ,Terry Fox去世了,年仅23周岁。1981年9月13日 ,以Terry Fox命名的长跑活动在全国的760个地点展开,共有30万人参加,募捐到$3.5百万。2003年,类似的以Terry Fox命名的活动在加拿大的1,100个地点举行和50多个其他国家举行,共收到2千万捐赠。其中,加拿大各社区贡献了5百万,学校贡献了6.7百万,公司贡献1.9百万。
2005年3月14日 ,Terry Fox变成了即将流通的新加拿大一元硬币上的人物,这枚硬币另一面依然是女王。到9月份,将有2千万这样的新一元硬币开始流通。INDEPTH: TERRY FOX
Terry Fox's legacy of hope
CBC News Online | March 14, 2005 Fox has been described by his mother as "a very ordinary young man."
But the "ordinary young man" became a national hero when he ran across the country to raise money for cancer research. To millions of Canadians he represented everything that is good, inspiring, generous, selfless and decent.
June 28, 2001, was the 20th anniversary of the death of Terry Fox. Fox died nine months after his cancer forced him to abandon his cross-country run "The Marathon of Hope." In 10 years, the annual Terry Fox Run raised more than $250 million for cancer research worldwide. By 2004, according to the Terry Fox run website, that had surpassed $360 million.
Terry was born in
1958 in A few years later his family moved toWinnipeg ,Man. , B.C.Port Coquitlam As a kid, Terry was always enthusiastic about sports, even when he was the worst player on his Grade 8 basketball team. A teacher encouraged him to go out for cross-country running, a sport in which he had little interest.
But Fox was determined to be better and to please his coach.
In his final year at
secondary school he shared the Athlete of the Year award with his friend Doug Alward. After that, he went on to study physical education atPort Coquitlam .Simon Fraser University Then, in 1977, when a pain in Terry's knee got so bad he could barely stand, he went to the hospital where he was diagnosed as having osteogenic sarcoma, a form of bone cancer. His right leg was amputated six inches above his knee.
He hated the time he spent in hospital and pushed himself to learn to walk again. His determination had him out playing golf only six weeks after the operation. Later, basketball returned to his life when he was invited to play wheelchair basketball with Rick Hansen.
But Terry never forgot his experience in the hospital. He was angry at how little money was spent on cancer research in
. He turned his anger into a mission – he would run across the country to raise both awareness and money in his fight against cancer.Canada When he began training, he kept his dream a secret. He told his family he was training for the Vancouver Marathon. The beginning was tough. He spent most of his time falling down and picking himself off the floor. He kept going, though, and after more than a year, and over 4,800 kilometres of running, he announced his plans to his family. He said his goal was to collect $1 for every person living in the country – at the time
had a population of about 24 million.Canada Support for his cause gradually built. Before his run, he collected donations including the camper van his friend Doug drove during the run. It was given to him by the Ford Motor Co.
Finally, on April 12, 1980, Terry Fox dipped his artificial foot in the Atlantic Ocean off
, Nfld., and began his Marathon of Hope.St. John's Terry ran about 42 kilometres each day no matter the weather – freezing rain, high winds, even snow. Skeptics thought he'd never make it past
but he proved them wrong and Terry Fox became a household name.New Brunswick He ran through
Dartmouth ,Charlottetown ,Montreal ,Ottawa , and a long list of places in between. When he wasn't on the move, he gave speeches that were often emotional, touching the hearts of many Canadians.Toronto When August came along, Terry passed through
, the halfway mark on his journey west.Sudbury But on Sept. 1, chest pains and breathing problems forced him to stop running at a spot along the
Trans-Canada Highway northeast of . After 143 days and 5,373 kilometres, he announced he would have to postpone the rest of the run, saying "I'm gonna do my very best. I'll fight, I promise I won't give up."Thunder Bay Terry was sent to a hospital in B.C. where doctors discovered the source of his chest pains: cancer had spread to his lungs. The Marathon of Hope would have to go on without him. In the months that followed, donations kept coming. A total of $24.17 million was raised, surpassing Terry's initial goal.
When Terry was in hospital, he received a letter from one of the many people he had inspired along the way. Isadore Sharp, president of the Four Seasons Hotel, wrote Terry saying his dream would continue with an annual fundraising marathon, to be called the Terry Fox Run.
Terry himself laid out many of the guidelines for the Run that are still followed today – probably the most important of which is to keep the event non-competitive – no winners, no awards, just the goal of raising money for cancer research.
Terry Fox died on June 28, 1981, but not before becoming the youngest person ever to be awarded the Order of Canada.
On Sept. 13, 1981, the first Terry Fox Run was held. More than 300,000 Canadians took part in the event at 760 sites across the country. The run raised $3.5 million. The Terry Fox Run is a family affair for the Foxes.
It was their idea to create a non-profit organization to run the charity after a family friend calculated that administration costs were eating up 35 per cent of the money raised. Since the Terry Fox Foundation was formed in 1988, those costs have dropped to two per cent.
Terry's brother Darrell is the national director of the run, his brother Fred is in charge of the foundation's provincial office in B.C., his sister Judith often speaks at schools, and his mother Betty spends five to seven months a year travelling across
giving presentations.Canada In 2003, the last year for which official figures are available, Terry Fox events at 1,100 locations in
and 50 other countries raised $20 million.Canada Communities in
raised $5 million that year, schools raised $6.7 million and corporate events raised $1.9 million.Canada On March 14, 2005, Terry Fox became the first time the image of a Canadian has appeared on a general-circulation Canadian coin. He is pictured on the reverse of the Terry Fox commemorative one dollar coin, wearing his Marathon of Hope t-shirt. The detail on his face shows his determination and anguish as he ran the equivalent of a full marathon daily.
The Queen occupies her usual place on the other side of the coin.
By September 2005, 20 million of the coins will have been produced.
(来源:华枫来稿 作者:马铭)